# 244 If you can't do anything about it then let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change.
On Him
Hair: taketomi - Kev - Fatpack
Jacket: // Ascend // Hachiro Chained Jacket @ MOM
Pants: INVICTUS - Pants + Suspender - PACK @ MOM
Tattoo: *Bolson / Tattoo *B Blogger Pack - Hanzo @ TMD
Rings: +BeBop+ rings REBEL @ MOH8
Bottle: brocante. pinot noir bottle RARE
Pose: *CS* The Premium - Set - @ MOM
*[235] Gray Gloomy Gacha Rare, Gray Gloomy Room*
*[235] Gray Gloomy Gacha 5, Camp Bed - Gary*
*[235] Gray Gloomy Gacha 6, Poster A*
*[235] Gray Gloomy Gacha 7, Poster B*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Candle Tree*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Goat Skull*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Drum Stick*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Book of Shadows*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Wooden Juju Doll*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Eye of a Virgin*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Witch's Familiar*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Spell Box*
*MadPea - The Witching Hour - Palmistry Hand*